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Black History Month

Ski Group

February 1-March 1, 2021

Black History Month is an annual observance originating in the United States, where it is also known as African-American History Month. It has received official recognition from governments in the United States and Canada, and more recently has been observed in Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

You may ask why we’re promoting Black History Month on our website and through our social media channels. I guess my simple answer is because I care, and I want my company to care, about how I/we do our small part in promoting racial diversity and inclusion in the ski travel space, in my home state of Colorado, in all states that host ski resorts, and in our great country.

During the observance this month, we aren’t doing anything grandiose. No parties. But I and my team are being mindful about the inequities that exist in our society. Being aware of the hardships that minorities have faced in this country helps further a dialogue about how we all can do better to include faces, customs or languages that may be different than our own.

Skigroup has had the privilege of a years-long relationship with the Black Students Association at Tuck (BSAT) group . (Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College). Skigroup has also had a long relationship working with the Harvard Black Law Students Association (BLSA). We value these relationships. From a business perspective, these groups are large, easy to work with, and appreciative of our help. From a more personal perspective, it’s always given me pleasure to meet and interact with a diverse group, many of whom are international students, who may be skiing/riding for the first time.

In closing, let’s all do our part in promoting equality between races, creeds and cultures. Not just this month. Always.

Stephen Hall

Chief of Karma/

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